Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

27 Choose Baptism at Central Church’s VBS

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is usually synonymous with fun. However, Allegheny West Conference's Central church VBS organizers in Columbus took the program to new heights this year. Angela Green, VBS director, started planning activities and building her staff months before the program, and John Boston, pastor, orchestrated “Tract Attack,” a plan to ensure the community knew about the program.

As part of “Tract Attack,” members distributed invitational postcards to the surrounding community. These postcards promoted VBS and the church’s Adventurer and Pathfinder clubs. Volunteers connected with and collected contact information for more than 40 people that day. Boston and his staff followed up with home visits and phone calls to personally invite and encourage parents to send their children to the church for VBS.

The Lord immensely blessed the planning efforts—more than 100 children attended the “Weird Animals” themed event, reports Boston. Captive Born Reptiles, a local animal retailer, showed the children an alligator, giant python and other fascinating animals. Boston also brought his tortoise, Lewis, and his Great Dane, Diesel, to make sure there were animals to see each night.

The main focus, however, was on reaching the children spiritually. On the final evening, Boston made an appeal and 27 children made a decision to be baptized! “We will continue to work with these families through the new connections made and endeavor to reach the parents as well,” says Boston. “The Lord be praised for His wonderful works!”

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