Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

11 Baptized After Caravan of Hope Stops at Maranatha French Church

 New Jersey Conference Eleven people were baptized in the Maranatha French Church in Newark. Photo Credit: New Jersey Conference

11 Baptized After Caravan of Hope Stops at Maranatha French Church

Story by New Jersey Conference and Visitor Staff

The New Jersey Conference’s Caravan of Hope series stopped at Maranatha French church in Newark this week, resulting in 11 baptisms. The Caravan of Hope is a continuing evangelism outreach initiative across the state.

Columbia Union Conference president Dave Weigley preached at the service and shared the miracle of how his brother accepted Christ after wanting nothing to do with religion for 20 years.  At the end of the night, Weigley made an appeal and 11 people were baptized.

Attendees at the Maranatha French Church Stop of the Caravan of Hope listening to the evening message Attendees at the Maranatha French Church Stop of the Caravan of Hope listening to the evening message. Photo Credit: New Jersey Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

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