Book Release: Success It’s Bigger Than Me
Story by V. Michelle Bernard
Roland Hill’s wife, Susie, was tired of hearing Hill complaining that there wasn’t a deep Christian book about success, so she encouraged the stewardship guru to write his own book.
Six months later, Hill, a pastor at Allegheny East Conference’s Maranatha church in Fredericksburg, Va., and Penuel church in Brandy Station, Va., noticed the prayer of Eliezer in Genesis 24:12—a prayer for success. His latest book, Success is Bigger Than Me, delves into all areas of success in Christian living.
The book includes an 8-week study guide designed to help readers ignite their lives and change their world, says Hill.
“It is even more important today than ever for believers to be successful in every area of our lives [because Jesus is coming soon], says Hill. “When we give ourselves wholly to God, He makes himself responsible for this accomplishment. Not once should we think of failure.”
Visit https://squareup.com/store/thefamilylifedoctors to purchase the book and see other resources from Hill.
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