Pennsylvania Conference Welcomes Yves Monnier
Story by Tamyra Horst
The Pennsylvania Conference Executive Committee has invited Yves Monnier to serve as the conference’s Ministerial and Evangelism director. Monnier fills the vacancy left by Tim Bailey, who is moving to West Virginia to serve as president of the Mountain View Conference.
Monnier is no stranger to Pennsylvania. He began his pastoral ministry in the Uniontown Hilltop and Waynesboro churches before going to seminary. After graduating, he returned to Pennsylvania and pastored the Harrisburg First and Pleasant View churches while also leading church planting activities in the West Shore area. He is a frequent speaker at camp meeting and is presenting a seminar on evangelistic preaching at this year’s event.
Evangelism is a passion of Monnier. “I’m so blessed that, over the years, God has given me the opportunity to be directly involved in more than 55 evangelism projects,” he shares. “Evangelism is part of who I am. One thing I’ve learned is that there’s no shortcut to winning people to Jesus. It’s not about a great new method or strategy; it’s about caring for people and building relationships, one at a time.”
A graduate of both Washington Adventist University in Takoma Park, Md., and Andrews University (Mich.), Monnier most recently served as It Is Written’s (Tenn.) director for evangelism, leading evangelism projects around the world.
“Our personnel and executive committees clearly saw the Lord leading us to Pastor Yves Monnier,” states Gary Gibbs, conference president. “His combined work experience in pastoring and evangelism, along with having served in Pennsylvania in the past, make Pastor Monnier a great fit for us. We are excited to welcome Yves and Cheryl back to Pennsylvania.”
Monnier and his wife, Cheryl, have two adult children, Daniel (Carla) and Lauren (Andrew). The Monniers will join the Pennsylvania team this summer.
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