Ohio Conference Hispanic Ministries Grow Through Crisis
Story by Kasper Haughton Jr.
Despite the severe crisis of our global pandemic, the conference’s Hispanic Ministries seem to be growing instead of diminishing. Most churches are physically closed. Many members and pastors have been diagnosed and hospitalized with COVID-19. Yet the church continues to focus on mission, preaching and reaching people through every means possible. Throughout the pandemic, more than 250 people have been baptized in different creative ways, places and circumstances.
As a result of the missionary growth, two new church plants have been added in the last few months: the Lorain Hispanic and Canton Hispanic churches. God has also been faithful to His people during these trying months. By the end of October, members from the Hispanic Ministries churches alone gave more than $1 million dollars in tithe in support of the Lord’s work.
“It took us a full year to reach the million-dollar tithe mark in 2018. Now, in just 10 months, and in the midst of a pandemic year, God gave us the same amount, and a little more,” praises Peter Simpson, Hispanic Ministries coordinator. “The church is being mobilized like never before. More people are being contacted, more digital messages are being sent and the church is more committed now than ever before!”
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