My Life-Changing Experience
Story by Matheus Gaulia
Junior Matheus Gaulia shares what God has been doing in his life on the campus of Blue Mountain Academy (BMA):
BMA has drastically changed my life. When I arrived on campus as a freshman, I had my future planned out with ambitious goals and dreams. Three years later, God is changing those plans and showing me what He wants for my life.
Although I was baptized before coming to BMA, this school was the gateway to my true conversion. Today, I can joyfully proclaim that I’m a God-fearing, faithful Seventh-day Adventist. I now understand the mission God has for my life— to minister on His behalf and prepare others for His Son’s soon coming. I love BMA because it was here that I fully surrendered my life to God. And He has faithfully and continually blessed me.
My journey here at BMA has been life-changing! I have developed a deep passion and love for biology and medicine, and I believe that God has encouraged me to develop the gifts He gave me in these areas. He has also encouraged me to pursue Bible training after graduation through Pennsylvania Conference’s CORE evangelism program. It’s my dream to become a medical missionary and use my talents for His service.
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