May 26, 2021: No More Night
“He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever” (Rev. 21:4, NLT).
This verse has always been a favorite of mine, so I recently read it in various translations. Surprised to find 28 translations online, I realized there are many different ways God shows us that because one day He will make death disappear, we can look forward to being happy forever.
My mom was very ill for four, long years and passed away three years ago. It still doesn’t feel real that she is gone. God never intended for us to experience that kind of sadness, separation and death. He created us to live forever with each other and with Him.
Can you just imagine how wonderful it will be to have no crying, sadness or disappointment in heaven? It’s almost beyond the realm of imagination. Almost. God has promised this, and He always keeps His Word, no matter the cost. He proved that at Calvary, and proves it every day, if we are willing to put our trust in Him.
The lyrics from the song “No More Night” tells of a wonderful time when there will be no more pain and no more night; instead, we will live in the light of His presence. Give God a chance to prove Himself. He wants you to test Him and see that He is faithful!
God, we look forward to the day when we will be with you in heaven forever! Amen.
Joannie Galbraith is a member of the Waynesboro church in Virginia.