May 13, 2021: The Best Cheerleader
“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10, NIV).
I was blessed to have parents who always believed in me. I can’t remember a decision I made in which my parents were not there to lend their support. They may not have agreed with every decision I made, but they were alongside me as I moved on from the outcome of my decisions. Their willingness to be there for me meant the world. It gave me strength and confidence to move forward when, at times, I didn’t think I could. Maybe you had parents like that or maybe you had someone else in your life who cheered for you. Whether you did or didn’t, know that in Christ we all have a passionate cheerleader.
When Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full,” He was referring to each of us—you and me. Let’s stop and think about that. As His driving force, the Creator of the universe has an abundant life for us. I don’t know about you, but that lifts me up.
God, thank You for being the best cheerleader of all time! Amen.
Wendy Pega is the interim associate superintendent for the Potomac Conference Education Department.
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- Every Day—Read our Words of Life daily devotional book that features favorite Bible verses from members, pastors, students and leaders from across the Columbia Union. You can also read the devotionals on the Columbia Union app, and interact with the verses in our instagram stories.
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- Every Month—This calendar, themed “Words of Life,” coincides with the devotional book and videos. It features a biblical topic and verse each month, with additional passages for further exploration, study and ideas on how to apply the concepts in your daily life.