March 8, 2021: Christ Lives in Me
“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Gal. 2:20, NKJV).
I was 17 and the youngest child of a big family growing up on a dairy farm in Pennsylvania when this verse became special to me. That summer, I worked alone on the farm, as all my siblings had moved away. This provided me with a lot of time to think, and I examined the purpose of life and what I should do with mine. I contemplated a number of avenues, such as joining the U.S. Marines and volunteering for service in Vietnam, as one of my older brothers had done.
For some unknown reason, I couldn’t find peace of mind except when I dwelled on Scripture. I also began reading Steps to Christ for what seemed like the first time. Within the pages, I discovered this special verse.
As I look back, I’m certain it was this pivotal time in my life when I sensed God calling me to the gospel ministry. I committed this verse to memory, and, as I repeated it to myself, it gave me the peace of mind I sought. I was so encouraged by its message: I live, but yet, I don’t; Christ lives in me.
It is His Spirit that gives my soul peace, comfort and hope, and I live each day by the power He offers!
Lord, please live in me today and give me Your peace, presence and power. Amen.
Dave Weigley is the president of the Columbia Union Conference.
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