March 29, 2021: Hakuna Matata
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?” (Matt. 6:25, NIV).
“Hakuna Matata” is a Swahili saying that means, “Don’t worry.” For many people, that’s easier said than done, but not for me. My approach to life is found in Matthew 6:25–34. I learned this, not by choice, but by circumstance.
I am from Haiti, and when I was 5-years-old, my single mother immigrated to the United States looking for a better life for her children. Ten years later, I joined her. During hard times, I learned to trust God who provided food, clothing and shelter for us. I learned to trust Him when I didn’t know how my college tuition would be paid. I learned to trust Him during my pregnancy, when the doctors told my husband and me that our one and only son might not make it. In all of these situations, God always made a way.
And now, as a school principal, I have learned to trust God to bring in students and to provide the funding to pay their bills. Year after year, I continue to take Him at His word, and He has never failed. I know that I can trust Him.
I don’t know what your situation may be today. But I invite you to just trust God with childlike faith. God always does what He says He will do. Hakuna Matata! Don’t worry. Trust God to take care of you. Your worries cannot change your situation, but God can!
Dear God, help us not to worry but to trust You to be our Provider and Comforter. Amen.
Malou Saint-Ulysse is the principal of Meadow View Junior Academy in New Jersey.