July 4, 2021: ‘God Found It!’
“He replied, ‘Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you’” (Matt. 17:20–21, NIV).
My family vacations in North Myrtle Beach, S.C., at our family beach home every year.
One particular Fourth of July, we were relaxing by the pool overlooking the beach. A strong breeze blew a lot of sand in my direction, irritating my contact lenses. I reached up to brush the sand out, when the wind caught one of my contacts, blowing the tiny lens off to beach neverland. Immediately, I started looking for it, crawling on the pool cement on my hands and knees. Everyone around me said, “It’s gone,” and “You’ll never find it.” It was upsetting! I was now stuck on vacation with my thick glasses.
I left the pool and went upstairs to our condominium. After shedding a few frustrated tears, I knelt down in the quiet room alone and prayed an earnest prayer to God. I remembered His promise that faith as small as a mustard seed could move a mountain, and I knew that this kind of faith applied to a teeny, tiny lens too. Determined to find it, I went back down to the pool deck.
Right near the beach sand lay my perfect lens! “I found it!” I screamed. At first everyone doubted me, but soon they were amazed.
“Wait,” I said, “God found it for me!” I then testified about my answered prayer.
Thank You, God, for caring about the little things that are big to me. Amen.
Lisha Weber is the software support specialist for the Information Technology Services at the Columbia Union Conference.