July 22, 2021: David’s Story
“But Jesus said, suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 19:14, KJV).
One hot July, I was working as a literature evangelist. That morning, I held just one lead card—the person I had been requested to visit that day. The name David was scribbled on the card, obviously a child’s handwriting. The house was more than an hour away on narrow roads.
It was two days before payday, and my tires were bald. I had enough fuel to make the trip, and $1.76 in cash.
Dear Lord, tell me what to do.
I prayed and opened my Bible, wishing for a sign that I should canvass in a nearby town. My eyes fell on Philippians 4:19: “And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (ESV).
I immediately got into my car and drove to the town. The house was humble and inside was a weary mother and her 9-year-old son, David. He had leukemia and a short time to live. His eyes lit up when he saw The Bible Story book. As he caressed it, I wrote the contract with tear-filled eyes. I left my demo books and drove home with my down payment: two rabbits.
Three months later, David went to his final sleep. His mother told me that he first saw The Bible Story book in his doctor’s office. He knew very little about Jesus, but he wanted the book. He spent his last days reading and talking about being with Jesus.
That morning, I had prayed for a divine appointment. God’s loving answer was priceless. I pray that one day in heaven, I will meet a healthy, happy David.
Lord, may we never miss an opportunity to share Your love with others. Amen.
Naomi McKey-Tricomi is the assistant pastor of the Wheeling church in West Virginia.