July 18, 2021: Make God’s Day!
“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (1 Pet. 5:7, NKJV).
God cares for us so very much. This care is not superficial like how we care about our favorite sports team or favorite food. He truly thinks positive thoughts toward us each and every day, and He wants the best for us.
God is a relationship-focused God who shows this throughout the Bible in countless ways. He pulls out all the stops to establish and deepen relationships with whomever—be they Jew or Gentile.
In a relationship, one of the ways a couple bonds is by sharing positive and negative feelings with each other: joys, desires, aspirations, wants, happy memories, stresses, hurt, struggles, areas of needed growth. This is what God wants from us in our relationship with Him. He wants to hear about everything in our lives—the good, the bad and the ugly.
Maybe today ...
you are feeling happy or sad. God wants to know.
you are excited about the future or regret the past. God wants to know.
you wish the day would last forever or "this day will never end." God wants to know.
you are proud of a life success or have not seen a success in years. God wants to know.
Whatever is currently happening in your life, God longs for you to share it with Him. Why don’t you take a few moments to open up to Him. You would make His day!
Lord, thank You for taking our cares and concerns and giving us peace. Help us to trust in You. Amen.
Andrew Moll is a member of the Ellicott City church in Maryland.