July 14, 2021: 24/7
“How precious it is, Lord, to realize that you are thinking about me constantly! I can’t even count how many times a day your thoughts turn toward me. And when I waken in the morning, you are still thinking of me!” (Ps. 139:17–18, TLB).
I love this verse because it paints a beautiful picture of God’s unfailing love for me. He truly values me by reminding me that He is always thinking of me, even on the days when I think I am forgotten.
This verse reminds me that I am important, worthwhile and special enough for the God who created all things and made the universe to think of me continually.
This verse reminds me that I am loved, and nothing I have done or any mistake I have made will keep Him from loving me and thinking about me. His thoughts about me are not just random thoughts, but beautiful, wonderful and lovely thoughts. How awesome is that?
At times, I try to understand how Someone can think of me so often? So I reflect on the many times I have thought of my family and those who are special to me. And yet I fall short. No matter how many times I try or how intentional I am about thinking of my loved ones constantly, I can never come close to the number of times God thinks of me. This tells me I must be significant and worthy enough to be thought of.
Lord, remind me constantly that You are the eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing, mighty God who thinks about me nonstop because You love me and that, no matter what I go through in life, I am not alone, for You are with me. Amen.
Joanne Cortes is the pastor of Beltsville church’s DC Campus in Washington, D.C.