July 10, 2021: God of the Impossible
With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible” (Matt. 19:26, KJV).
At six months pregnant, I found myself facing the repercussions of severe marital distress. As a result, I was placed on hospital bed rest until I gave birth—a blessed event that seemed incredibly far away.
Upon admission to the hospital, I was so devastated by what was happening in my relationship that I was too crushed to pray. All I could do was cry out, “Jesus.” Almost immediately, the Lord’s peace began to flood my mind, heart and room. Rescuing me from the depths of despair, He reminded me that He was with me, that I could face everything with Him and that His grace was sufficient.
Due to my leaking amniotic sac, the doctors mandated that I keep my body as flat as possible, use a bedpan, receive injections and take rounds of giant vitamins. Though the medical world has made tremendous strides, no one has discovered how to reseal an amniotic sac. Specialists visited one by one to tell me all the ways my baby would be challenged.
As loved ones rallied around me in prayer, I begged the Lord for a miracle. I needed Him to restore my amniotic sac. I recommitted my baby to Him, claiming Matthew 19:26, and asked Him to continue to fill her with His Holy Spirit and make her whole. Each week, the perinatologist remarked, “Wow, I’ve never seen fluid levels so high for a confirmed leak!” The Lord had answered my prayer!
Safiyya was born a month early, but perfectly healthy! In the 19 years since, He has indeed used her for His glory.
God, thank You for being in the miracle-working business!
May we keep trusting in You! Amen.
Naeemah Shakir Phillip is a member of the New Market church in Virginia.
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