July 1, 2021: Called for His Purpose
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Rom. 8:28, NKJV).
This verse has taken on many meanings throughout the course of my life. I remember first hearing it while listening to the radio program Your Story Hour. Throughout the story, the main character kept saying that “all things work together for good.” To my young self, this meant that, no matter what, everything would be OK, and nothing too terrible would happen to me because God wouldn’t let it. Of course, now I think a little differently.
This verse stuck with me as I went through high school and into college. If I was going through a particularly tough time, I gleaned encouragement from knowing that God works everything for good. And, in hindsight, I still believe He did. Just not in the way I thought He would.
Often, we believe that whenever we call on God for help, He will do it our way. But that isn’t what the verse says. It says “all things work together for good.” Not our plan. Not anyone else’s plan. God’s plan.
I now see this Bible verse very differently from the first time I heard it on Your Story Hour. We can find comfort in our pain, knowing God will bring good from any situation. It may not be immediate, or in an expected way, but it will come “to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” And everyone on earth is called to do God’s purpose. That means you and me!
Thank You, Lord, for the comfort that You have our back, even when we feel You are far away. Amen.
Jacklyn Ruth is the communication specialist for the Communication Department at the Chesapeake Conference.