Game App Transports Users to the Era of Great Bible Heroes
Story by the Heroes Team
Learning about iconic Bible characters while having fun is the purpose of Heroes 2: The Bible Trivia Game, for its players. The game is expected to be launched in January 2021. It will be free, with an interactive quiz, and where the characters ask questions about their own stories to the user.
Players will start their journey in Genesis, with 12 questions about the first heroes, Adam and Eve. The more “experience points” a player has, the more heroes are unlocked until they get to John, in the book of Revelation. Each game consists of 12 questions easy at first, but as the game progresses, the questions get harder. Players will be able to challenge family and friends by sharing a simple link.
Heroes 2 is an initiative of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, through its official international television station, Hope Channel. The game creators hope it will help children, youth, and adults become better acquainted with amazing stories of the Bible, since Bible literacy is on decline, even in church members.
According to a study conducted by the Bible Society, many children cannot identify well known Bible stories. Approximately 1 in 3 of the children surveyed did not choose the Nativity as part of the Bible, and over half (59 percent) did not know that Jonah, swallowed by the great fish, is in the Bible. The decline in Bible literacy massively impacts our ability to understand and communicate the Gospel to others.
“The Bible is the foundation document of Western Civilization, but young people today know more about the comics stories than the Bible stories. Heroes is a project that speaks this new visual language through a trivia game that brings these ancient stories to life. We want everyone to realize that they are called to be heroes today, just like these characters from the past”, says Sam Neves, associate director of communication for the global Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Heroes 2 will be available in four languages, English, Portuguese, Spanish and French, with the expectation of new languages being added shortly after the release. Before launching it is possible to sign up to become a beta tester. Visit heroesbibletrivia.org, or email info@heroes.adventist.org for more information.
For more information and news, go to the official website, Discord users’ community, and other social media: Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You can pre-order the new game on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, so you can be notified when the game is released.
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