August 27, 2021: God Is With Me
“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you” (Isa. 43:2, NLT).
I like this verse a lot because it reminds me that, no matter what happens, God is with me. There have been times when I have struggled with things such as math or science. But I have always gotten through these classes, thanks to my parents and God.
God will be with me at all times. When I’m going through deep troubles, God will not abandon me. I’m having troubles right now because I have been worrying about this pandemic. More and more people are getting infected and dying every day. It makes me wonder if my family is next. I believe God is with me though, and He will keep us safe.
God is also with me when I walk through the fires of oppression. We are told that during the final days before Jesus’ second coming, people will use their authoritative power to stop Christians from worshipping God on the Sabbath. Even then, God will be with us. Like He says, “The flames will not consume you.” When the time comes, we will be protected.
So when you go through deep troubles such as losing a loved one, God will stay with you. When you struggle with something, no matter what it is, God will help you. When someone abuses their power to stop you, God will help you out. No matter what happens, God will always keep you safe.
Dear God, help me to trust You no matter what happens. Amen.
Jacob Chapman is an eighth-grader at the Harrisburg Adventist School in Pennsylvania.