Allegheny West Conference Prayer Ministries Department Hosts Prayer-a-Thon
Story by Benia Jennings
The annual Allegheny West Conference (AWC) Prayer-a-Thon, hosted by the Prayer Ministries Department, was first held three years ago. Every first Sunday of the year, prayer warriors representing every church across the conference, come together for 18 hours to pray for the new year and give thanks to God for His blessings through the previous one.
Violet Cox, AWC Prayer Ministries coordinator, shares how the idea was born:
The idea began at my home church, Grace Community in Euclid, Ohio, where we often receive calls from members who are desperate for prayer. We began praying for individuals with addictions, suicidal thoughts, mental illnesses, etc. The entire Grace Community church became involved in a 24-hour “Prayer-a-Thon” prayer chain. Many personal victories were won as prayers were answered! I later discovered that many other individuals across the conference were in desperate need of prayer. So I thought if we can do this in one church, why not conference-wide?
The Prayer-a-Thon is conducted through a conference call line. People participate from all over the country, even the world! Regardless of where they are from, I believe that the callers all have one thing in common: faith in the power of prayer.
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