Allegheny East Conference Hispanic Ministries Baptizes More Than 200 Through Virtual Appeal
Story by LaTasha Hewitt
After one virtual appeal, Allegheny East Conference’s (AEC) Hispanic Ministries team baptized 214 people in six separate locations in one single weekend. In normal circumstances, AEC’s Hispanic congregations—consisting of 32 congregations and eight church plants—would worship together in one location for Fellowship Day. Due to the pandemic, however, they proceeded with a virtual joint service.
More than 8,000 viewers from across the AEC territory tuned in to the livestreamed service. Around midday, Ramon Escalante, AEC’s Hispanic Ministries coordinator, made an appeal to the viewers. “I shared with them that now was the moment to accept Christ, that He is waiting for them,” says Escalante.
Responding to the call, hundreds drove to six bap- tismal sites: two in Philadelphia, two in Delaware, one in Maryland and one in Virginia. The baptisms were conducted simultaneously at 3 p.m.
“We were so happy with how God blessed that we have decided to come together every month for a joint service instead of just once a year,” shares Escalante.
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