Who Is My Neighbor?
Editorial by Gary Gibbs
This past fall, 2,237 Pennsylvania Conference members visited more than 10,000 homes to pray with people and offer free Bible studies. On that day, we united together to answer Jesus’ call to be “good Samaritans” to our neighbors (see Luke 10:29–37).
Today’s society separates us from the community around us. Visiting our neighbors is a ministry that bridges this isolation; it enables us to connect with people who need Jesus.
Shortly after one of our members left a Bible study card on the door of a home where there was no answer, we received the following message from that very home:
“Someone left a card at my door a few minutes ago, and I thank you so very much. God must’ve sent you because I am really in need of prayers. ... I feel overwhelmed by all that’s going on in my life, and depression is getting the best of me. I am a Christian, and I love God, so I am doing my best to believe and hold on to His promises. Thank you for caring enough to listen to God and bring this to my door today.”
At another church, one participant shared they became a member of the church just because someone had knocked on the door last year during a similar event.
While visiting our neighbors is a simple thing to do, it has a powerful influence for good in people’s lives. This year connect with your neighbors and shine the hope and joy of Jesus into their lives in some tangible way.
Gary Gibbs serves as the president of the Pennsylvania Conference.
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