Visitor Now Offering Online Classified Ads
The Visitor is now offering exclusively online classified ads on our website at columbiaunionvisitor.com/bulletin-board/online-classified. Previously, classified ads were only available for purchase in the print magazine.
The details are as follows:
Once the ad and payment are submitted, the ads will be posted within five business days. Ads will remain online for a minimum of 30 days.
Rates are the same as in the printed Visitor:
$60 for 50 words or less; .75¢ for each additional word over 50.
- Classified box ads (text centered in a box): $150 for 80 words or less.
- Announcements (church and school events): $15; all others at classified rates.
- Frequency discount: 10% for each ad posted for a minimum of 90 consecutive days.
Ad Submission Deadline
None. Ads post within five business days after ad submission and payment is received. Payment is by check or money order, made payable to Columbia Union Visitor. Email ad text to Sandra Jones at sjones@columbiaunionvisitor.net, and mail check for payment to Sandra Jones, Advertising Manager, Columbia Union Visitor, 5427 Twin Knolls Rd., Columbia, MD 21045.
You can also promote your ad in the print version of the Visitor, printed every two months, six issues per calendar year. Check out the ad submission schedule at columbiaunionvisitor.com/advertising to make it in time! The page has all ad submission guidelines, rates and payment information for placing ads on the various Visitor platforms.
Who Can Place an ad?
The guidelines for online ads are the same as for the Visitor magazine. Go to columbiaunionvisitor.com/advertising at the top of the page under Advertising Submission Information.
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