Sunshine Ministry Brings Joy to Senior Members
Story by LaTasha Hewitt
The First Church of Coatesville in Pennsylvania recently organized a “Sunshine Ministry,” to bring joy to their senior members. The ministry group visits seniors at their doorstep, providing socially distanced fellowship, singing, prayer and encouraging words.
About 20 Coatesville members recently delivered baskets to seniors filled with brightly-colored snacks, a sunflower and a yard sign, reminding them that they were missed and loved.
The team visited 12 seniors, including a member who has been in a rehab facility for weeks. Although they weren’t allowed inside, they offered encouragement outside of her window.
“It really warmed my heart to be able to serve in this way,” says Jacqueline Alleyne, member and organizer. I believe we were equally—if not more—blessed by the visits than those we visited.”
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