Spring Valley Academy Shows Resilience in Difficult Times
Story by Spring Valley Academy Staff
The 2020–21 school year is off to a very different, yet successful start.
Due to COVID-19 social distancing requirements, Spring Valley Academy (SVA) began the year on an A/B schedule. Half of the students attend Mondays and Wednesdays, and the other half Tuesdays and Thursdays, with Fridays rotating between the two groups. SVA also elected to provide a “full virtual” option for families who wanted to keep their children at home. Each grade grouping has a teacher dedicated to the virtual learners.
While staff members miss having everyone together in one place, this arrangement allows for proper spacing, as classrooms only have between nine and 12 students.
“These are unprecedented times, and yet we are encouraged by the resilience of SVA’s students and parents, and the dedication of the faculty, staff and the leadership of the board of trustees,” says Darren Wilkins, principal. “Difficult times present obstacles, but also opportunities. Through this storm, we’ve learned that we have a supportive and generous com-munity that comes together as God leads us. What a blessing it is!"
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