Spencerville Adventist Academy's Second Graders Visit White Estate
Story by Rachel Fuentes/Heidi Wetmore
The second-grade class at Chesapeake Conference’s Spencerville Adventist Academy (Md.), taught by Rachel Fuentes, recently completed a Bible Encounters curriculum unit on the life of Ellen G. White. Instead of the typical unit assessment in a classroom setting, she took her students on a field trip to the White Estate, located at the General Conference in Silver Spring, Md.
At the museum in the White Estate, the second graders connected the stories they had heard in class with the historical materials. One highlight was when the students (including Elena Tomenko, pictured) tried to hold the 18-pound Bible for 20 minutes that White held during one of her visions. “It was fun to see her writings and to watch my students try with all their might to hold the heavy Bible with one hand,” says Fuentes.
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