Sligo Adventurers Get Vital Lessons About Water from ADRA
Story by Kimi-Roux James
Members of Potomac Conference's Sligo church's Adventurer Club in Takoma Park, Md., recently welcomed a special guest from Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA).
Mario Oliveira, ADRA’s emergency response director, met with nearly two dozen 4 - 9 year olds to share his expertise about safe water.
“With children, you have to be creative so it’s easier for them to learn what ADRA does to bring clean water to people in need,” says Oliveira.
Club members colored life-like images of water wells and water pumps while they listened about different ways people use to get water.
In another activity, Oliveira showed the boys and girls how challenging getting water can be and how much time it takes. To demonstrate this, Oliveira instructed the children and their parents to form a circle with each person holding on to a chord connected to one marker. Holding on to the chord and without letting go, the group had to maneuver the marker through a spiral-like path from start to finish.
Lastly, Oliveira also demonstrated the use of charcoal, sand, and stones, to show how water can be filtered and become clean to drink.
“I wanted the children to see how important water is in our daily lives, and understand that water shouldn’t be taken for granted,” Oliveira says. “I also thank the assistance of Sligo’s Adventurer leaders who pitched in to teach the children about water. What’s most important is everyone had fun.”
Before heading home, children received ADRA giveaways and parents got handouts about ADRA and encouraged to sign up for the education campaign, “Every Child. Everywhere. In School.”
ADRA is the international humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Its work empowers communities and changes lives around the globe by providing sustainable community development and disaster relief. For more information, visit ADRA.org.
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