Spencerville Adventist Academy Senior Authors Diary-Like Book on Queen Esther
by Heidi Wetmore
Charis McRoy, a senior at Spencerville Adventist Academy, has enjoyed writing poetry to express her emotions and experiences ever since the third grade. Through the years, she decided to author a book on the Bible story of Esther. Remembering what she had learned about Esther in Sabbath School, she wanted to journey deeper into that Bible story.
“Esther struck me as quite the heroine to look up to. While she could have simply relished in the pleasures of being queen, she lived selflessly and defended others, even at the risk of her own life,” says McRoy. “Her story moved me, and I felt the urge to share it—as Esther might have told it.”
McRoy wrote the book in a diary-like format. She hopes readers leave with a sense of calling and purpose for their lives.
“It was God who enabled Esther to rise amid the obstacles and trials of her life and become a star shining in the darkness,” comments McRoy.
McRoy believes that God will use anyone who is willing to be an instrument in His hand to bring about change in the world.
“The question I pose to the reader is, ‘Are you willing to let God do the same for you? Will you realize that you have been called for such a time as this?’” McRoy explains.
“This experience really helped me to grow as a writer and as a person,” she adds. “As I wrote about this great woman of faith and courage, some of those qualities rubbed off on me. Ultimately, as I wrote her story, I began writing a new one for myself. I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything.”
Published in 2019, McRoy’s book, The Star, can be found at thestarbycharismcroy.wixsite.com/mysite.
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