LivingWell Brings Peace Amid Crisis
Story by Eric Sloan
With the COVID-19 virus increasing people’s desire to understand health in a new and unpredicted way, LivingWell, Potomac’s health and bookstore, continues to be a light to the community in Silver Spring, Md., by bringing messages of physical and spiritual health.
“When bad things happen, God’s light shines brighter,” says Melissa Leddy, general manger. “We’ve gotten a rush of new customers who are more interested in living new and healthier lives. They realize LivingWell is a source for vital products and information. A big draw is our selection of all-natural vitamins and supplements and the many plant-based foods we offer, especially due to the rising interest in vegan or vegetarian lifestyles. More than ever, people are paying attention to their overall health and immune system and are seeking information on how to live healthier.”
Recently a young woman of another Protestant faith visited the store, concerned about the troubling events in the world. She asked staff member Kim Persaud about the book The Great Controversy. She questioned if it could answer some of her questions, including her curiosity and confusion surrounding the Sabbath.
With Persaud’s help, the young woman left with a smile and an abundance of health food, free Discovery Bible Studies, several books and contact information for two pastors to help answer her questions.
“Customers are very intrigued with the store as a whole,” says Persaud. “Even just the idea that such a place exists in the first place. People are just so happy that we have all this information for them to make their lives better.”
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