Chesapeake Conference Hispanic Ministries Delivers 40,000 Boxes of Food
by Andre Hastick
The Hispanic Ministries Department of the Chesapeake Conference recently started a weekly food bank, in partnership with 4MyCity, a nonprofit organization. During that time, they helped distribute 40,000 boxes of food throughout the southern, northern and eastern regions of the conference.
“This has been an enriching experience,” says Orlando Rosales, Hispanic Ministries director for the Chesapeake Conference. “You get to see and feel the gratitude of the people, as well as their interest in knowing more about our church. People are asking for intercessory prayer for their needs, and, so far, seven families have begun attending our worship meetings.”
Javier Moreno, Bible worker for the Baltimore Spanish church, adds, “Ministering to people through this food program has been a blessing to the church and community. We have a group on WhatsApp where more than 141 people are receiving Bible studies and where we also let them know when we are going to take them the food boxes.”
Pastors from each Chesapeake Spanish-speaking congregation took turns volunteering weekly to receive food for distribution, load food in trucks for transport and distribute them at each location.
“God has led us to meet the community by attending to their needs and gaining their trust. Each food box carries a book and church information,” says Moreno. “Today we expect to sow hope in every heart with the security that God will bring an abundant har- vest for His eternal kingdom.”
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