Grow: A Divine Mandate!
Editorial by Jorge Aguero
There are three realities in Christian churches—including the Seventh-day Adventist Church—that we cannot deny: Churches are growing; churches are stagnant in their growth; or churches are declining and finally dying.
Numerous research from the Barna-Group and Gallup report that most churches in the U.S. are not growing. But I believe that the Adventist Church has been given a divine mandate to grow.
New Jersey Conference’s 2020 motto is “Grow: Sharing Hope.” God gave a mandate for church growth, known as the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18–20).
Church growth is not an option; Jesus had the authority and power to give the command. We are also told that God is the One who causes growth (1 Cor. 3:6–7) through the work of the Holy Spirit (John 14:26; 16:8) and the spiritual gifts He has given to us for the edification and growth of His church (Eph. 4:7–16.)
Clearly in 1 Corinthians 3:6–7, God affirms growth, but like Paul and Apollos, we have to plant and water the seeds. That work corresponds to the disciples of Jesus today.
I invite you this year to grow in communion with God, grow in good relationships with fellow humankind and grow in the mission that Jesus has entrusted to us.
Our church does not have to be stagnant or dying. God promises growth. Let us plant seeds and water them so that those who choose to be saved may be added to His church (Acts 2:47), for Jesus is coming soon!
Jorge Aguero serves as the president of the New Jersey Conference.
Click here to read the editorial in Spanish.
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