Grace Outlet Serves the Community
Story by Dustin Hall
Earlier this year, Pennsylvania Conference's Grace Outlet church (GO) moved into its own facility after 10 years of renting. God performed many miracles to provide them with a former country club building in Berks County.
Nearly 300 people attended the Community Center’s grand opening, which included a bounce house, local firefighters, law enforcement with a canine demonstration, food trucks, live music, giveaways and more. The next weekend, more than 70 neighbors attended a concert by contemporary Christian musician Josh Wilson.
Since its beginning, GO members have had a strong focus on serving their community. This commitment to mission enabled the church to receive an Urban Centers of Influence grant from the General Conference’s partnership with the North American Division, Columbia Union Conference and Pennsylvania Conference. This grant enabled GO to use their new facility as a community center, providing more ways for members and staff to connect with their neighbors and greater Berks County. Within four weeks of opening, the staff and members connected with several new families.
“GO believes ... it is vital to give people multiple points of contact that will develop into meaningful relationships,” shares Kelly Hall, the center’s director. “As these relationships develop, GO church members are ready to share Jesus through prayer groups, Bible study and evangelistic seminars.”
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