Dare’s Community Impact Leaves Legacy of Service
Story by Tamyra Horst
Those who know Jeannette Dare can testify she has a love and passion for people and a desire to care for them in practical ways. Dare brought this passion and care to her work as Pennsylvania Conference’s Adventist Community Services director for the last 13 years. Since 2007 she has worked to equip and encourage churches to meet the needs of their communities in practical ways, believing this would open doors for sharing the gospel. She helped churches plan programs and events with low costs adapted to their specific location.
Dare created the “Living the Mission” resource, filled with ideas for programs aimed at relieving suffering in communities, empowering individuals with life skills and building a relationship with the local community. Her “Community Concierge” program shared tips and resources for ministry.
“Jeannette has served from her heart with a genuine concern for people and our churches,” says Gary Gibbs, conference president. “Her very practical ideas and resources have built a strong foundation for community services and congregations as they meet real community needs. We are grateful for all Jeanette has done and for how she has served her God and this conference.”
Todd Casey, Pennsylvania’s new Adventist Community Services director, will continue to build on the strong foundation Dare has created. “It is my prayer that each of our churches become a center of hope and healing to our communities through the services we provide,” says Casey. Let our churches ask, ‘If we ceased to exist, would the community notice?’ Let us answer the call of Jesus to reach out to our dark and dying world.”
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