Chesapeake Conference Hosts Training for Ministry Leaders
Story by Andre Hastick
The Chesapeake Conference recently held a communication training for approximately 50 ministry leaders. They gathered at the conference office in Columbia, Md., to learn more about implementing effective social media strategies, creating relevant websites, connecting with the local media and more.
“It is vitally important for each of our church and school communities to capitalize on the outreach potential technology provides,” says Andre Hastick, director of communication for the conference. “The tools are within our reach; we just need to take the time to hone our skills and harness the various platforms for the purpose of ministry.”
Speaker V. Michelle Bernard, assistant director of Communication Services for the Columbia Union Conference, and news and features editor for the Visitor magazine, provided detailed insight into the world of news. Bernard explained how to strategically approach local media with schooland church-related stories to successfully increase the Seventh-day Adventist presence and identity in local communities.
Jacklyn Ruth, communication specialist for the conference, gave inspiration and best practices for content sharing on social media. Ruth, a recent college graduate, encouraged attendees to draw on the untapped potential of young people by utilizing their gifts in social media and communication ministry.
The training also offered tips on improving the first-time guest experience for newcomers on Sabbath morning. “One of my key takeaways from the training was to put myself in the shoes of the visitor ... to make our communication more inclusive,” says John Anderson, treasurer and head deacon of the Rock Hall (Md.) church.
Click here to view Columbia Union's recent communication resources handbook and training videos.
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