Chesapeake Conference Adventist Community Services Responds to Pandemic
Story by Andre Hastick
As the COVID-19 outbreak quickly emerged, the Chesapeake Adventist Community Services (ACS) Department mobilized trained volunteers and partnered with the American Red Cross, state organizations and local churches to provide crisis care to communities across the Chesapeake territory.
Through these partnerships, Chesapeake ACS established the following: a network of 16 church-based food pantries; an emotional and spiritual care hotline; and four personal protective equipment (PPE) donation centers, in collaboration with the Maryland Emergency Management Agency.
“I know many members are now thinking what can we do in this moment to be healthy and safe. But in addition to that, there is something else that we can do—we can serve our neighbors,” says Ignacio Goya, Chesapeake’s ACS director. “I want to invite everybody to reach out to your families, neighbors, friends and anybody that you’ve been praying for all year long. Call them to see if they have care needs that you can meet.”
Chesapeake ACS is looking for donations and volunteers willing to serve the community in this time of hardship. Assistance is needed with emotional and spiritual care, donations management and health care outreach by licensed/certified professionals. Resources are also available for members in need of care and assistance. For food pantry locations, donation needs and centers, spiritual care hotline information (in English and Spanish) and more, visit ccosda.org/coronavirus.
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