Casey Joins Pennsylvania Conference Team
Story by Tamyra Horst
The Pennsylvania Conference is excited to welcome Pastor Todd Casey and his wife, December. Casey accepted an invitation to serve as youth director, joining the team April 1. Connecting young people to Christ, equipping them for service and providing opportunities for them to serve, fellowship and grow in their relationship with God are priorities in the conference. “Chosen and Called,” one of the eight strategic mission initiatives, focuses on discipling young people in Pennsylvania. Casey shares this vision for Youth Ministries.
“Working with young people is a great privilege for me and my wife. Providing opportunities for our young people to connect with Christ, both within church as well as outside of church, is top priority for us,” Casey states. “My desire, as the youth director for the Pennsylvania Conference, is to provide resources to the local church in order to better equip them in reaching their young people.
“In addition, it is my desire to see us further strengthen our regional youth work in offering training to local churches, developing Pathfinders, Master Guide and Adventure clubs, youth rallies and young adult gatherings, to name a few. Moreover, it is my hope to see every church send their kids to summer camp. Camp is a powerful tool at the church’s disposal, where children are introduced to Jesus Christ and decisions to follow Him are made.
“Finally, it is my prayer that, as each church strives to reach young people for Jesus, these young people will find Jesus in our church,” he says.
Casey was born and raised in New Brunswick, Canada, arriving in the United States at age 17 to attend Union College (Neb.). He graduated in 2005 with a Bachelor of Arts in Business from Canadian University College. From there, Casey attended Mission College of Evangelism (Ore.), where he met his wife, December. They were married in 2009 and moved to Alabama, where Casey worked as a youth pastor and senior pastor for six years.
For the last four-and-a-half years, he has served as the youth director for the Gulf States Conference (Ala.) and camp director for Camp Alamisco. He is currently pursuing his masters in biblical and theological studies at Southern Adventist University (Tenn.).
Casey enjoys the beach, collecting shells, playing golf and traveling. He has a commitment to young people, desiring that all have the opportunity to know that God is real.
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