Can Rocks Be Seeds?
Editorial by Dottie Jones
My daughter, Tammi Thomas, was baptized into Pennsylvania Conference’s Pocono Grace church in East Stroudsburg on January 4, 2020. Her journey toward God began three years ago as she watched her younger sister lose her battle with cancer. After her death, Tammi left to go home, and I gave her some Bible Studies, and she took them to heart. She completed the Focus on Prophecy and “It Is Written” Bible Studies and has been working on Amazing Facts, while also reaching out to her coworkers.
She and I have since been involved in Bible Studies via Zoom. At times when an attempt to reach out to someone ends up with different results than we had hoped for, we console each other with the fact that we are spreading seeds. We have no idea how it will eventually turn out. God can do much with each little thing we do.
A few months ago, Tammi was inspired by the Holy Spirit to begin a special mission. An artist in her spare time, Tammi started collecting smooth stones and rocks which she paints, inscribing on each one a particular scripture from the Bible. She hopes that someone will find the “seeds” she is planting and take the time to look up the verse in the Bible. She also hopes that those who find them will contact her on her Facebook page, appropriately entitled “Planting Seeds,” with a picture of the stone or rock and the location where it was found. The contact information is on the back of each one.
As an RV enthusiast, Tammi and her husband, Kenny, travel to different sites in different states on the East Coast, and along the way she leaves behind these “seeds” for someone to find. Combining her two loves of painting and RVing, God has given her a wonderfully unique way to reach out to others and spread His Word!
Dottie Jones is a member of Chesapeake Conference’s Berkeley Springs church.
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