WGTS 91.9 Sells Out Chris Tomlin Concert
Story by Jerry Woods
More than 3,400 WGTS listeners turned out for “An Evening of Worship” with Chris Tomlin at Hylton Memorial Chapel in Woodbridge, Va.
“It seems like every Chris Tomlin show is more like a huge worship service,” said WGTS Morning Show Host and Promotions Director Jerry Woods. “For the majority of the show people were on their feet, many with their hands in the air, singing along with every song. It’s was a moving night.”
Before the show listeners also brought hundreds of pairs of socks for the station’s “Socktober” event which is collecting socks for the homeless as well as underprivileged children in the greater Washington D.C. area. The station’s goal is to get a pair of socks to every child on the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree list as well as every person on the streets of Washington D.C.
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