Too Busy for God?
Editorial by Jerry Lutz
There are many today who are too busy for spiritual things. Not just those who reject the gospel, but even Bible-believing, church-going people. Like those in the parable Jesus told of the wedding banquet (Matt. 22:1–14), today some have "fields," business matters or excuses that keep them from faith in the One who brings salvation.
In his book, Making Light of Christ, Charles Spurgeon told a story of a rich shipowner who was visited by a man of God. The Christian asked, "Well, sir, what is the state of your soul?" To which the merchant replied, "Soul? I have no time to take care of my soul. I have enough to do just taking care of my ships." However, he was not too busy to die, which he did about a week later.
Any one of us, even we who consider ourselves "spiritual," can lose God to distraction. Do you think that's not possible? Are you more interested in your credit report than in Christ? Do you follow the stock market or sports stats more closely than the Savior? Even "good things" in our lives can become a distraction from what really matters.
Just imagine missing out on what He is preparing for us because of some flimsy excuse or for something that will eventually pass away. Perish the thought! The invitations are sent. The table is set. Come to the banquet!
Jerry Lutz serves as the executive secretary for the Chesapeake Conference.
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