Stewards of God’s Manifold Grace
Editorial by Leonel Pottinger
For many Christians, stewardship is primarily thought of in relation to material things, money or tithes and offerings. Some go as far as to think that if they return a faithful tithe and give freewill offerings to God through His church, they have fulfilled their Christian responsibility.
Two giants of the New Testament church, Peter and Paul, presented a much wider concept of Christian stewardship. First Peter 4:10 tells us that everyone received gifts, and that we should serve one another “as good stewards of the manifold grace of God” (KJV). Manifold means many, various kinds or numerous. Gifts are mentioned in verse 11, but none are material. In 1 Corinthians 4:1, Paul speaks of us “as stewards of the mysteries of God” (KJV). Paul used the word “mystery” not as something unknown to us but as something revealed to us from God that others do not know. He is speaking of the wonderful revelation of God’s plan of salvation in Jesus Christ—our Creator and Redeemer.
Yes, returning God’s tithes and giving freewill offerings are important in carrying the gospel to others, but that is not enough, and Christians should recognize this. As faithful stewards, all that we have and who we are belong to God (Ps. 24:1). We are given the privilege to join Him with all we are and have to the greatest work in the world: “to seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10, KJV). Jesus is devoted in preparing a place for us, where there will be no more sickness, pain, suffering or death (John 14:1–3; Rev. 21:1–5). What a joy it will be for those who joined Him in this mission of salvation to one day soon hear the words, “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you” (Matt. 25:34, KJV).
Leonel Pottinger serves as the Ministerial and Stewardship director for the New Jersey Conference.
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