Spencerville Academy Plans 75th Anniversary Celebration
Story by Heidi Wetmore
Chesapeake Conference's Spencerville Adventist Academy (Md.) is excited to celebrate 75 years of Adventist education this year! Beginning as a one-room school in 1943, the school has grown to more than 400 students in grades Pre-K through 12th grade.
The celebration will take place during Alumni Weekend, May 10–11. The first senior graduating class of 1999 will be honored, as well as the classes of 2009 and 2014. All who attended Spencerville Junior Academy (SJA) from 1943–1998, as well as those who attended and graduated from SAA from 1999–2019, are encouraged to attend. Special events planned include a walk through the original SJA auditorium Friday evening—the first tour since the new school opened in 2011. Spencerville church, located in Silver Spring, Md., will host the Sabbath church service. For more information, visit the Spencerville Adventist Academy Alumni page on Facebook.
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