Shiloh Church Spreads the Warmth
Story by Bryant Smith
With the cold weather this winter, Shiloh church members in Cincinnati began thinking about children’s preparedness and how they could help. Under the leadership of member Sheila Hughes, Shiloh connected with two Cincinnati public schools: South Avondale Elementary School and Rockdale Academy Elementary School, located in the Avondale community.
In an effort to help keep the children in the community warm as they walk to and from school or wait for the bus, Shiloh members began donating hats and gloves, enough to fill two boxes for each school. Members who have done such efforts in the past dropped off items to both of the school’s community resource coordinators, Ingrid Sandidge of South Avondale, and Beverly Davis of Rockdale. Both coordinators expressed their gratitude and appreciation to the church for being an organization they can always depend on for help during the winter season.
Hughes, who works as a nurse at an elementary school, sees many children who go without basic winter gear such as hats and gloves. “The question is often asked, ‘If the church was removed from the community, would we be missed?’ I hope Rockdale Academy Elementary and South Avondale Elementary can say ‘Yes’ because of this act of kindness,” she says. “We are supposed to be the hands and feet of Jesus. And this may open up other opportunities for service/outreach.”
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