Scranton Hispanic Church Dedicates New Building
Story by Tamyra Horst
The Scranton Hispanic Adventist Mission Group in Pennsylvania began with six people who had a vision for sharing the gospel with the Hispanic community in Scranton. They quickly grew to more than 30 members with 10 to 15 visitors each week for worship services.
Recently Gary Gibbs, Pennsylvania Conference president, and Will Peterson, vice president for administration, joined Pastor Fernando Rocha and more than 90 people who gathered to celebrate the dedication of the group’s new facility in Scranton. The group unveiled a new church sign, and conference officers, church leaders, and a Scranton city representative joined Rocha in a ribbon cutting ceremony (pictured).
“We are so thankful to God for this building, located in the very center of the Hispanic community here in Scranton,” states Peterson. “We are very confident that God will fill it with many souls won to Christ.”
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