Remembering Miracles
Editorial by Glen Milam
Have you ever seen a miracle?” When asked, we often stand with a blank look on our faces as we rummage in our memories to find one. God admonished the children of Israel, “Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them” (Deut. 4:9, NIV).
We have seen a number of miracles at the Mt. Aetna Retreat Center (MARC). During worship one morning, a group called to cancel their 40-person event for the coming weekend. They had a really good reason and wondered if they could get their non-refundable deposit back. While we prayed about it, the phone rang again. It was another weekend group asking to increase their attendance by 40. We refunded the first group. During a storm, a large tree fell that seemed to defy the laws of physics and missed the building it was leaning over. God is good, and we need to remember the specifics so we can be His witnesses.
In Isaiah, God declares, “You are my witnesses!” It’s difficult to witness His goodness if we cannot recall it. Joel Springer, our Outdoor School coordinator at MARC, told me some years ago that it is hard to remember something if we don’t “member” it first. While this may not be proper English, it illustrates the problem well. We should make a point of “membering” what God has done for us by writing it down, sharing it on social media and telling the stories often so we don’t forget what He has done for us.
Glen Milam serves as the director of the Mt. Aetna Retreat Center.
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