The Power of Prayer Changes Us
Story by Jessica Manantan
Prayer is powerful. I’m sure if you asked most anyone, they would agree with this statement. But how many truly understand the power of prayer and take time daily to plead with God? How many truly claim His promises and persevere in prayer?
My friend and prayer partner, Kathryn Styer, a member of the Romney (W.Va.) church, shares the following testimony: “It’s easy to take on the burden to convert our loved ones; to think, ‘If only I say and do just the right things, they’ll get it.’ I spent many years in this state of mind. Then I started to pray. I put all my hopes and dreams for my husband into prayer and solicited the prayer of others.
“For years God simply asked me to love my husband unconditionally and move forward with God in my own life—that I could do. When the change started to happen in his life, I can only describe it as a miracle. A strong longing grew in his heart to know truth and that search led him to God. The Holy Spirit spoke straight to his mind. I knew without a doubt that the changes I saw were not my work in the least, but the work of God Himself. My husband has a Savior, and it’s not me. Today we attend church with our girls and have a heart to serve together as a family. Prayer works because it opens the avenue for the Holy Spirit to do the work.”
When we feel helpless we can know that our greatest work is prayer. Hearts are not changed by our words; they are changed by the Holy Spirit. Let’s continue to persevere and make prayer the most important thing we do!
Jessica Manantan serves as assistant prayer coordinator for the Mountain View Conference.
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