Potomac Conference to Provide Two ‘Impact’ Camp Meeting Sites
Story by Tiffany Doss
Two Potomac Conference “Impact 2019: Camp Meeting Re-imagined” events will be held next month. This new camp meeting format allows for local pastors to help plan and organize area meetings, enabling the message and format to be tailored for each community.
Tidewater/Richmond Area
Hampton Convention Center, Hampton, Va., June 8. English and Spanish venues at same location. For more information, visit www.pcsda.org.
The main speakers will be Barry Black, U.S. Senate chaplain, and Hermes Tavera Bueno, who pastors in the Greater New York Conference.
Black, the 62nd chaplain of the Senate, served in the U.S. Navy for more than 27 years, ending his distinguished career as the chief of chaplains of the Navy. In addition to opening the Senate each day in prayer, Black provides counseling and spiritual care for senators, their families and staff—a combined constituency of more than 7,000 people.
Bueno’s experience spans from that of a pastor, evangelist, editor and professor of theology. He has a passion for research and sharing his findings with members.
City of Praise Family Ministries
Landover, Md., June 14–15. Spanish only.
Evangelists Alejandro Bullón and Luis Goncalves, as well as Tony Anobile, vice president of Multilingual Ministries for the North American Division, will speak to the theme of “Today is the Day.”
Bullón, an evangelist for the radio program Voice of Hope, has worked for more than 40 years in South America. He has authored several books and articles, and his passions include public evangelism and communicating the gospel by radio, television and the internet.
Anobile has served in a number of capacities, including conference president, vice president and Youth and Young Adult Ministries director. He desires to have every member involved in active ministry and to have entities on every level participate in bringing people to church through evangelism, retaining people through Christian nurture and keeping people healthy and active through involvement in church and school.
For both events, special programs will be planned for children and youth throughout the weekend and will feature special concerts and musical features.
Next year, Impact 2020 will be one conference-wide meeting, held May 1 and 2. This event will hold simultaneous English and Spanish programs and will feature Carlton Byrd, speaker/director of the Breath of Life Television Broadcast, as well as other well-known presenters and singers.
“The Bible reminds us that ‘for where two or three gather in My name, there am I with them’ (Matt. 18:20, NIV). What a promise from Jesus,” says Bill Miller, president. “No matter the size of the group, when we gather in His name, His presence is there. What a great privilege it is that we can come together for fellowship and know that He is with us!”
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