Pathfinders in Mountain View Conference ‘Armor On!’
Story by Valerie Morikone
Pathfinders are thriving within the Mountain View Conference (MVC). With eight clubs, and with children eager to participate and be a part of these clubs, our conference provides many opportunities to stretch and grow our young people,” shares Joel Stecker, MVC Pathfinder director. “One of our most recent events was the annual Pathfinder Camporee held at the Valley Vista Adventist Center.”
Featuring the theme, “Armor On,” Stecker introduced each part of Roman armor (Eph. 6:10–17) to the young people. He explained the use and importance of each piece, both to the Roman soldier and to the Christian. Stecker encouraged the Pathfinders to make this theme a part of their lives.
The weekend also featured a flag retirement ceremony where young people participated in an official ceremony of burning a worn American flag. Pathfinders who participated in full dress uniform at the ceremony earned a special patch for their sash.
Pathfinders later assembled goody bags to distribute at the annual Mountain State Forest Festival (W.Va.) parade on Sunday. These bags contained information about Pathfinders, the Highland Adventist School (W.Va.), the conference Ingathering “Campaign for Community” program, a GLOW tract, coupons, candy and more!
On Sunday, clubs participated in the festival by leading the “Parade of Children” as the color guard for more than 2,000 young people. The parade kicked off the weeklong festival, which drew people from across the U.S. and Canada.
“This is a huge way to feature Pathfinders in this particular community, and I am very proud of them. They did a great job!” says Stecker.
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