Ohio Conference Sells Mount Vernon Property
Story by Heidi Shoemaker
Earlier this summer, the Ohio Conference closed on the sale of their former office and two adjoining houses.
“We are praising the Lord,” says Ron Halvorsen Jr., Ohio Conference president. “This has been an answer to prayer,” he says.
Constituents voted an action at the 42nd Regular Constituency Meeting on May 6, 2018, which authorized conference officers, working in concert with both the finance and executive committees, to discontinue use of the Mount Vernon office and to list and sell the property. In June 2019, both the conference finance and executive committees discussed, prayed over and voted in favor of the purchase agreement.
“The conference typically spent over $60,000 annually to operate the conference office in Mount Vernon, which increased each year due to the age of the building,” explains Halvorsen. “Money which could potentially be used toward helping Ohio Conference churches and schools expand their mission and ministry in local communities. Funds which could be used for making and training disciples through ‘Disciple Ohio,’ a growing conference ministry initiative.”
Roy Simpson, interim treasurer, coordinated the exit strategy for the remaining items at the former office, moving them on August 8, 2019, to the current Ohio Conference office in the Dayton area.
“This has been a long journey. We see God’s hand in this,” shares Halvorsen.
With current headquarters in Dayton—after receiving a $3.2 million office building as a gift—the Ohio Conference continues to operate 100 diverse congregations, 11 schools, multiple community service centers and has more than 12,000 members.
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