Ministry Designed to Transform Lives
Story by Tamyra Horst
The Pennsylvania Conference is excited to launch CORE, a nine-month mission training program designed to immerse young adults into the CORE of Christianity and to tackle the biggest questions they are asking: Why am I an Adventist? How do I take this message to my demographic? How can I find an experience with God worth sharing?
This new initiative will allow young adults to experience a deeper relationship with Christ by engaging in Bible studies; literature, digital media and health evangelism; and city and overseas missions. The program is designed to connect students with Christ and equip them to share the gospel message to the world.
“It’s so awesome to be a part of a program that addresses the real issues that I believe can keep our young people in the church and empower them to participate in the finishing of the Great Commission,” states Dee Casper (pictured), CORE director.
This program partners with Adventist universities, allowing students to earn college credits. Tuition covers room, board, learning and class fees. A canvassing and/or agriculture work-study option is offered that can reduce and potentially cover the full tuition.
To learn more, visit paconference.org/core.
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