I Found True Relief at the Red Building
Story by Agustina Francisco
For more than 10 years, I drove by the “red building,” not knowing it was the New Brunswick (N.J.) church. I knew it was a Christian church because on Saturdays I saw many happy people, well-dressed and with Bibles under their arms. Nevertheless, it wasn’t relevant to me.
After some time, I noticed that on Sunday mornings, another group of people, the majority of them from foreign countries, stood by the church for hours to receive food. Earlier this year, I decided to go on a Sunday, and I was blessed with the items they gladly shared.
I started going regularly and received not only food, but joy, kindness and tender attention from the volunteers at that Food Pantry. In spite of it being an English-speaking church, the language of love was strongly manifested.
One day the pastor of the church, Martin Forbes- Wilson, made an invitation to pray for our families in the sanctuary. There peace filled my soul, and as he spoke from the Bible, I felt like God was talking to me. From that day forward, this fellowship has become my priority, and I wait eagerly every Sunday morning to go and study the Word and pray together. Many times I don’t even go for food anymore.
Currently I am part of a small group called “House of Restoration.” We eat together, have spiritual retreats and fellowship together. Every Wednesday we have Bible study and prayer meeting in Spanish.
My greatest desire is to soon become a Seventh-day Adventist and start attending church on Sabbaths among God’s people.
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