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Chesapeake Conference Readies to Plant 35 Churches by 2025

Story by Andre Hastick

There are 50 areas within the Chesapeake Conference that need a Seventh-day Adventist Church presence, says David Klinedinst, Evangelism and Church Growth director for the conference. To address this gap in church-to-population ratio, the conference has officially adopted a plan to plant 35 new churches by the year 2025.

“It’s part of the gospel commission,” says Klinedinst. “The early Adventist church was always a church-planting movement, so it’s time to rediscover our roots. And this will help us depend more on Christ because this is something we cannot do alone.”

To facilitate this church planting initiative, Chesapeake will provide pastors and lay people with training materials and conferences—such as SEEDS—to equip groups to plant in unreached/underreached areas.

“It has been humbling to see God raising new leaders at the mother church and seeing Him strengthening and sending us new leaders at the church plant,” says Elvis Mogoii, senior pastor of the West Wilmington (Del.) church and the Life in Christ church plant in Bear, Del.

Local church members can make an impact by researching the unentered areas closest to them and generating discussion within their congregation. Members can also opt to start small groups in the areas they want to reach.

“God has willing people and resources for new churches,” says Mogoii.

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